Encounter does the following:

Encounter Outreach – visiting a city centre hostel and engaging with vulnerable people in the city. Led by Cath Oakes, the team go out on Monday evenings between 5-7pm.

Encounter Connect Group – discipleship for people who find life a challenge. Meeting on Sunday evenings Jo Willis and the team provide a safe place for people to grow in their relationship with Jesus as they read the bible and pray for each other.

In addition there is an Encounter women’s group led by Emily Treloar.

In the Summer we take a group to a 5-day event in Evesham called Encounter Camp where we connect with other church groups. The event is planned for those who have life controlling issues and need to find freedom.

Play your part.
The best way to get involved is to sign up for the Encounter Outreach Group or the Encounter Connect Group via the groups page. The group leader will then contact you.