Summer in the City

Pop-Up Church & Evening Services

I hope you've managed to book in to one of the Pop-Up Church locations that start this Sunday 25th July and run for 5 weeks over the summer. The aim of meeting in gardens, homes and parks is to help us relationally reconnect after this strange time of separation and restriction. Meeting in smaller gatherings will help everyone to feel like they can meet with some people in an environment they feel comfortable in.

You can sign up to different Pop-Ups all across the summer by going to our website and seeing what is available. You'll also be able to book in to the two evening services that are running on 1st and 22nd August at the Elmgrove Centre. Just a reminder that there will be no services on 29th August bank holiday weekend as we expect lots of people will be away. We are planning to re-open weekly services at all three sites from Sunday 5th September. We'll let you know more details about that towards the end of the summer.

Debenhams Building

Hopefully you've heard something about the developments with the Business/Kingdom Enterprise group that Stuart and Woody are leading. Following Scott Marques visit to us a couple of years ago, they convened a Connect Group of people in the marketplace who want to use their business-brains, financial acumen and skills to build the kingdom of God and bless the city. Increasingly they have felt led as a group to find a building that could be a community hub building, an incubator space for new businesses and kingdom enterprise that might provide employment, but would also provide space for us as a church and perhaps some accommodation for people we are reaching.

They've become aware of plans to re-develop the Debenhams building in the centre of town next to the Bear Pit. We are hoping to form part of a scheme that would see the building repurposed to benefit the local area, that would address all of the aspirations of the group. You'll hear more in the coming months, depending on how things develop, but please pray that whatever the outcome we would be a blessing to the city. An interview with some of that group that explains more is available to watch.

Lastly, I also wanted to mention that Andy's now got some slightly extended time off in the summer, which has been agreed by the elders and trustees that will be comprised of 3 weeks study leave and 3 weeks holiday. This is in recognition that Andy's been due for a sabbatical since last summer and obviously hasn't been able to take that due to the pandemic. Please pray for Andy and Cheryl that they are rested and refreshed by God during that time. Andy will be back around from 1st September.

Whatever you are doing over the summer, whether you're managing to get away or maybe have to isolate, I hope that you stay safe and find an opportunity to connect with church family and worship God. I hope to bump into you at one of Pop ups.
